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Colors in Colombia

Method : field research (interview), Neo-Pixel strips, arduino, paper, acrylic.

Year : 2017

In Colors in Colombia, I consider finding the relationship between the visualization and human cognitive intuition. Korean and Spanish are two completely distinctive languages that have different roots in the development of their languages. Thus, to emphasize on the intuitive cogitation, I conducted a field research in Colombia where Korean is not a prevalent language. The interviews entailed matching the names of colors between Spanish and Korean based on the word’s visual appearance. 


In regards to the interview setting, in a dark place it is hard to tell which color is assigned to which piece. Each of the lighting boxes were representing the color names— red, yellow, green, blue. Also each of the lights inside of the boxes fades in and out, alternating randomly based on the interview data. When an exhibition place has a light, you can recognize a colored-strip with its assigned color name. Seeing and interacting with the lights in the dark evoke out intuitive senses of the human cognition within the linguistic discrepancy.

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